The Intelligence in Emotion

We have been forever absorbed by the notion that IQ levels dictate smart from smarter however, as complex as the human being is, we must also understand and analyze other forms of intelligence. A recent article has made me re-evaluate my theory of brainpower brilliance.

“Are you emotionally intelligent? Here’s how to know for sure” by Travis Bradberry was featured in The Globe and Mail and lists multiple examples of how individuals with high emotional intelligence would perform and act. Mr. Bradberry states that emotional intelligence “affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.”

This article was a great reminder to stop and internalize how we perceive ourselves.I believe this is a great exercise to self-improvement and healthy self-awareness. The central points Travis brings up about individuals with high emotional intelligence are as follows:

You have a robust emotional vocabulary

You are curious about people

You embrace change

You’re a good judge of character

You’re difficult to offend

You know how to say no (to yourself and others)

You give and expect nothing in return

You don’t hold grudges 

You know your strengths and your weaknesses 

You let go of mistakes

You neutralize toxic people

You appreciate what you have 

You don’t seek perfection

You disconnect

You limit your caffeine intake

You get enough sleep

You stop negative self-talk in its tracks

You won’t let anyone limit your joy

Of course I have to say that some of the points are a work in progress for myself (especially ‘you limit your caffeine intake’) but, hey….the point is we become aware, make an effort to improve, understand ourselves and the situations we are in, make a positive attempt to understand those around us and hopefully the missing dots will connect!

For a great read on emotional intelligence please see Mr. Travis Bradberry’s article here: