Tag Archives: Collective

The Collective

I have been super excited to take the PR certificate courses at UofT this year. If you asked any of my friends and family they would probably tell you that this program has been one of the key factors that would lead me to discuss my dreams, future plans, and growing ideas this past winter. My course has been more than an educational experience, it has been creatively therapeutic, intellectually engaging and most of all, socially enjoyable! In one of the 12 classes when I had posed the question of how to get involved in the PR world our instructor opened the discussion to the class and I was positively surprised how helpful a group of individuals who met me a few weeks ago could be. I was given on the spot advise, contact information, hot-topic books, forums, website and organization names to research. It made me realize that as a collective we can place our knowledge, expertise and networks to help one another. As a collective we can positively change each other and I am thankful for being given this opportunity to experience such a movement of help and positive energy. So, I will make sure to keep the energy going, pay it forward and help whenever I can as we are all out here in this world trying to make an impact and I hope I will make a good one. Thank you, it’s been a beautiful experience!